​Obra D. Tompkins Crimson Cavalette Dance Team
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Rosey Fortenberry – Crimson Cavalettes Dance Director
Obra D. Tompkins High School​
2013 – Present | Director
​Clear Lake High School
2007-2013 | Director
Clear Lake High School
2000-2007 | Assistant Director
​Clear Lake High School
1999-2000 | Dance Educator
Clear Lake High School
1997-1998 | Dance Instructor
Dance World
1997 | Dance Instructor
Dance United
1988-1991 | Deer Park High School Dance Team Member and Officer

Rosey Fortenberry
Mrs. Rosey Fortenberry is the founding director of the Tompkins High School Crimson Cavalettes Dance Team in 2013. Before opening at Tompkins, Mrs. Fortenberry was the Director of the Clear Lake High School Flairs. She served as the Flairs Assistant Director from the fall semester of 2000 through spring 2007 and as the Director from fall 2007 through the spring semester of 2013. In 2003, Mrs. Fortenberry organized and served as the initial Director of the Freshmen Flairs Dance Team at Clear Lake High School. This team had the distinction of being the first Freshmen Dance Team in the Clear Creek School District. Before joining the CLHS staff in 1999, she worked as a Dance Instructor at both Dance World and Dance United.
Mrs. Fortenberry graduated from the University of Houston with a Bachelor of Science in Education, majoring in Kinesiology, with a minor in Dance. Mrs. Fortenberry has her certifications to teach Dance and PE. Prior to that, she attended Deer Park High School, where she served as a line member and officer for the Deer Escorts Dance Team.
Mrs. Fortenberry and her husband, Clint, of 24 years have two grown sons, Tyler and Lane. Mrs. Fortenberry is also known as RoRo to her two grandbabies, Cali (2.5 yrs.) and Joshua (1yr .).
Shaena Rinehart – Crimson Cavalettes Dance Assistant Director
Shaena Rinehart began her dance training at Age 2 at Keely Jardell’s School of Dance in Nederland, Texas. She was a member of the Kelly Jardell Competition team for 7 years as well a member of the Mid-county Performing Arts Company for 14 years. She is trained in ballet, jazz, lyrical, pointe, clogging, hip hop and tap. Ms. Rinehart was a member of the Nederland Westernaire’s Drill Team where she served as 1st Lieutenant and Captain. After graduating high school, Ms. Rinehart attended Kilgore College where she was a Kilgore College Rangerette on the 76th Line and also served as the 2016-2017 Left End Lieutenant. She has performed at the Contest of Champions in Disney World, the Cotton Bowl in Dallas, the Macy’s 90th Thanksgiving Day Parade and the 2017 Texas Black Tie and Boots Presidential Inaugural Ball in Washington D.C. Ms. Rinehart graduated with Honors from Kilgore College with an Associates in Science. She then attended Texas A&M University where she graduate Cum Laud with a B.A. in Communication and minor in Tourism Management. She was a member of the Aggie Dance team and served as Co-Captain for the 2018-2019 school year. She has also been a member of Crowd Pleasers Dance staff since 2015 and has taught and choreographed for many high school teams across the state of Texas including choreography for the Kilgore College Rangerettes and Aggie Dance team. Ms. Rinehart holds a Texas Teacher certification in dance and P.E. She is so blessed to live out her dream of being a dance educator and is excited to be part of the Cavalette Family!

Shaena Rinehart